
The 19th Shanghai International Exhibition on Heating Technology




The 19th Shanghai International Exhibition on Heating Technology



Official Website 大会网站:




HEATEC 2022——新时间·新地点·新期待

New Time·New Venue·New Expectation




Authoritative Heating Exhibition in Asia - By aggregating famous Sino-foreign enterprises together with high-quality industrial and commercial endusers, HEATEC has become the most recognized professional and influential one-stop heating technology exhibition platform. Over the years, HEATEC has been committed in building a bridge for technical exchanges, new product launches and business matching, connecting upstream and downstream relations, meeting diversified needs, achieving mutual benefits and win-win cooperation.

With the full implementation of the 14th Five-Year Plan and the gradual promotion of carbon peak and neutrality goals,  HEATEC, being the wind vane of the heating industry, will closely follow the market trend, uphold a professional attitude to promote the industry-wide safety, environmental protection, high efficiency and collaborative development, hence delivering an international and diversified feast for the heating industry and, reaching our common goals of "smart heating" as well as "double carbon target" eventually! 


展场面积 Exhibition Area: 25,000平方米sqm

展商数目 No. of Exhibitors: > 280

观众数目 No. of Visitors: > 14,000

线上直播观众 LIVE Broadcast Views: > 100,000


2021年参展商统计Exhibitor Statistics of HEATEC 2021

展商数目 No. of Exhibitors 200家

吸引200家参展商,11个国家 / 地区,包括中国、芬兰、法国、德国、中国香港特别行政区、意大利、日本、韩国、土耳其、英国及美国等。

200 exhibitors came from 11 countries / regions including China, Finland, France, Germany, Hong Kong SAR, Italy, Japan, Korea, Turkey, UK and USA.

主要参展商 Major Exhibitors


观众数据库 Visitor Database:100,000+

群发电子邮件 Mass Email:400,000+ /年(year)

微信公众平台粉丝 Wechat Followers:15,000+

【现场云直播】总观看量 “HEATEC Live”Total Views:100,000+


Professional Visitors & Quality Buyers Covering 10 Major Industrial and Commercial Sectors


食品 / 饮料 / 酒类 Food / Beverage / Brewery

统一 Uni-President / 旺旺集团 Want Want / 太太乐 TotoLe / 冠生园 Guan Sheng Yuan / 稻香村 Daoxiangcun / 农夫山泉 NongFu Spring / 伊利 Yili / 光明 Bright Daily / 味全 Weichuan / 怡宝 Yi Bao / 蒙牛Meng Niu / 青岛啤酒 Tsingtao / 麒麟 Kylin /

日化 / 医药 Daily Chemical / Pharmaceutical

飞利浦 Philips / 养生堂 YST / 狮王 Lion / 狮皇日用化工 Shihuang Daily Chemical / 上海制皂 Shanghai Soap / 国药集团 Sinopharm / 宝龙药业 BaoLong Pharm / 中医大药业 Shanghai TCMU Pharmacy / 万合制药 Wanhe Pharmaceutical / 上药药材 Shanghai Traditional Chinese Medicine

化工 / 纺织印染 Chemical / Textile / Printing & Dyeing

中国石化上海石油化工 Sinopec / 陶氏化学 Dow Chemical / 赢创化学 Evonik Industries / 罗姆化学 Rohm Chemical / 东胜化学 Dongsheng Chemical / 三佳化工 Sanjia Chemical / 拓普洗衣 Tuopu Laundry / 恒灏印染 Henghao printing and dyeing / 德纳集团 Dena / 海宁纺机厂 Haining  Textile  Machinery

汽车汽配 Automobile & Auto Parts / 重工机械 Heavey machinery 

一汽丰田 Toyota / 大众 Volkswagen / 三菱 Mitsubishi / 双钱轮胎 Double-cion / 佳通轮胎 Giti / 阿雷蒙Araymond / 白象天鹅电池 White Elephant Swan Battery / 宝钢集团 Bao Steel / 中华造船厂 China Shipbuilding / 沪东中华造船集团Hudong Zhonghua Shipbuilding Group

酒店 / 宾馆 Hotels

衡山集团 Hengshan Group / 香格里拉大酒店 Shangri-la Hotels and Resorts / 锦江国际酒店集团 Jin Jiang International / 兴国宾馆 Radisson Plaza Xing Guo Hotel / 绿地万豪酒店 Marriott Hotel Riverside / 东湖集团 Donghu Group / 和平饭店 Peace Hotel / 王宝和大酒店 Central Hotel / 艾迪逊酒店 Edtion / 瑞金洲际酒店 InterContinental Shanghai Ruijin

学校 Schools / 医院 Hospitals

清华大学 Tsinghua University / 同济大学 Tongji University / 上海理工大学 University of Shanghai for Science and Technology / 华东理工大学 East China University of Science and Technology / 浙江大学 Zhejiang University / 西安交通大学 Xi’an Jiaotong University / 东华大学 Donghua University / 上海华山医院 Huashan Hospital / 上海中山医院 Zhongshan Hospital / 上海新科医院 Xinke Hospital

热电厂 / 电力公司 Thermal Power Plant / Electric Power Companies

吴泾电厂 Wujing Power Plant / 青浦申能热电 Qingpu Shenergy Thermal Power / 上电漕泾电厂 Caojing Thermal Power / 上海石化热电厂 Sinopec Shanghai Thermal Power Plant / 广达热电 Guangda Thermoelectric / 中芬热电 Sinofinn Thermal Power / 济南热电 Jinan Thermal Power / 华电能源 Huadian Energy / 张江能源 Zhangjiang Energy / 上海电力股份 Shanghai Electric Power

工程公司 / 产业园区 Engineering Company / Industry Center

中国电力建设工程咨询 CPCEC / 中国联合装备集团 CNBM / 中国石油天然气第八建设 CNPC / 中国核工业第五建设 CNNC / 中国建材工程集团 CTIEC / 沪锅特种设备工程 Shanghai Boiler special equipment / 苏州工业园区 Suzhou Industry Park / 金山工业区 Jinshan Industrial Zone / 上海城投 Shanghai Chengtou / 恒大集团 Evergrande

设计院 / 研究院 Design Institutes / Research Institutes

济南市特检院SDSEI / 湖南省特检院 HNSEI / 上海航天技术研究院 SASC / 江苏省特检院 JSSEI / 上海市特检院 SSEI / 上海市塑料研究所 SHPRI / 上海化工研究院SRICI / 中国船舶重工集团第七一一、七〇四研究所 CSSC / 上海燃气工程设计研究院 / 煤科院 CCRI 

市政单位 / 服务供应商 Municipal Units / Service Providers

上海市环保局 Shanghai Environmental Protection Bureau / 上海市经信委Shanghai Municipal Commission of Economy and Informatization / 上海市能效中心 Shanghai Energy Efficiency Center / 浙江省经信委 Economy and Information Technology Department of Zhejiang / 农工商超市 NGS Market / 国家电投 SPIC / 上海燃气 Shanghai Gas / 中国燃气 China Gas / 施耐德电气 Schneider Electric / 上海电气 Shanghai Electric Group


各类锅炉Various Kinds of Boilers

燃油燃气工业锅炉Oil-fired (Gas-fired) Industrial Boilers | 蒸汽锅炉steam boiler | 热水锅炉hot water boiler | 有机热载体锅炉organic heat transfer material boiler

燃油燃气商用锅炉Oil-fired (Gas-fired) Commercial Boilers | 冷凝式锅炉condensing boiler | 燃气供暖锅炉gas-fired heating boiler | 热水机组 hot water unit | 真空锅炉vacuum boiler | 贯流锅炉tabular boiler | 铸铁锅炉、铸铝锅炉cast iron boiler, cast aluminum boiler | 中央热水机组 central hot water unit

生物质锅炉 Biomass Boilers 

电锅炉 Electric Boilers | 电阻式电热锅炉 resistance type electric heating boiler | 电极式电热锅炉 electrode type electric heating boiler | 电磁感应加热锅炉 electromagnetic induction heating boiler |

余热锅炉技术和产品Waste Heat Recovery Boiler Technology and Products

垃圾、污泥焚烧处理技术及系统设备Solid Wastes, Incineration Technology and Systemic Equipment

废气利用设备Exhaust Gas Utilization Equipment

燃煤锅炉Coal-fired Boilers | 工业煤粉锅炉industrial pulverized coal boiler | 循环流化床锅炉等circulating fluidized bed boiler

燃烧器、热工设备与技术Burners and Thermal Equipment & Technology

锅炉燃烧器Boiler Burners

燃烧器配件Burner Spare Parts | 油泵oil pumps | 烧嘴nozzles | 压力开关 pressure switches

工业燃烧器 Industrial Burners 

工业加热炉 Industrial Heating Furnaces 

干燥及烘干设备 Drying Equipment 

热风炉Hot-blast Stove

工业热风机 (加热器) Industrial Hot Air Blowers(Heater)

油田加热炉 Oilfield Heating Furnaces 

蓄热器、热交换设备 Heat Accumulators, Heat-exchangers 

电加热元件 Electric Heating Element

电热管Electric Heat Pipe 

电磁感应加热元件Electromagnetic Induction Heating Element 

锅炉炉排Stoker Grates

锅炉替代产品及其它热能设备 Boiler Replacement Products and Other Heating Equipment

工业和家用冷热电联供技术与产品Industrial and Home Use Combined Cooling Heating and Power (CCHP) Technology and Products

蒸汽发生器Steam Generator 

油加热器Oil heater  / 电加热导热油炉 Electric oil heating furnace

燃气模温机 Mold Temperature Controller / 电加热模温机 Electric Heating Mold Temperature Machine / 电磁加热模温机 Electromagnetic Heating Mold Temperature Machine

模块蒸汽机 Modular Steam Engine / 蒸汽热源机 Steam Heat Generator

热泵 Heat Pumps | 工业余热industrial waste heat | 空气源air source | 水源water source | 地源ground source

太阳能供热设备Solar Energy Heating Equipment

锅炉零部件及配套产品Boiler Parts and Ancillary Products

泵 Pumps



自动控制装置Automation Controlling Equipment 

仪器仪表 Instrumentation | 温度/压力/流量计量、控制、调节temperature/pressure/flow measure, control and adjustment

安全装置Safety Devices

报警装置Alarm Devices 

散热管Heat Pipes 

翅片管Finned Tubes 



清洗设备Cleaning Equipment

锅炉、热能系统控制软件Boiler, Thermal System Control Software 

系统能源统计分析咨询诊断软件System Energy Statistical Analysis Consultation Diagnosis Software

锅炉制造装备及原材料Boiler Manufacturing Equipment and Raw Materials

材料处理与下料设备Material Handling and Blanking Equipment | 钢材预处理设备steel pretreatment equipment(喷砂装置sandblasting device)| 数控下料设备(火焰、等离子、激光、水力)CNC blanking equipment (flame, plasma, laser, hydraulic) | 机械下料设备(带锯、圆锯、剪板机)mechanical blanking equipment (band saw, circular saw, shearing machine) | 倒角机chamfering machine | 刨边机 edge planing machine

金属成型设备Metal Forming Equipment | 卷板机coiling machine | 管端成型机pipe end molding machine | 数控弯管机CNC bending machine | 折弯机 bending machine | 折边机edge folding machine | 炉胆成形设备furnace liner forming equipment | 胀接设备expansion and connection equipment

焊接设备 Welding Equipment | 各类焊机welding machines | 纵环锋焊接装置longitudinal ring front welding device | 膜式壁、蛇形管、翅片管等专用焊接装置special-purpose welding device for membrane wall, serpentine tube and finned tube | 焊接变位机welding positioner | 电动滚轮架electric roller

加工设备Processing Equipment | 车削turning | 刨削planing | 钻孔drilling | 铣削milling | 镗削 boring

无损检测技术与设备NDT Technology and Equipment 

检验试验仪器仪表及设备 Inspection & Examination Instrumentation and Equipment | 材料理化检验设备 materials physicochemical property inspection and testing equipment  | 热工环保性能检验检测仪器仪表 thermal environmental performance inspection & examination instruments

原辅材料Raw and Auxiliary Materials | 板材 steel plate | 型钢section steel | 管材pipes | 各类焊材 all kinds of welding materials

节能减排技术和产品Energy-saving & Emission Reduction Technology and Products

节能器、省煤器Energy Saver, Coal Economizer 

锅炉水处理技术和设备 Boiler Water Treatment Technology and Equipment

冷凝水回收技术与系统设备Condensing Water Recovery System Technology and Equipment

烟气净化设备Flue Gas Purification Equipment | 除尘器dust remover | 脱硫脱硝技术和设备desulphurization and denitrification technology and equipment

生物质能产品与技术Biomass Energy Products and Technology

生物质固体颗粒燃料制备设备 Solid Biomass Pellet Fuel Preparation Equipment 

生物燃气制备系统和设备Bio-Gas Fuel Preparation Systems and Equipment 

生物质锅炉燃烧设备 Burning Equipment for Biomass Boilers 

生物质干燥及烘干设备Biomass Drying Equipment


主办单位 Organizers:

中国电器工业协会工业锅炉分会 Industrial Boiler Branch of China Electrical Equipment Industrial Association (CIBB)

上海工业锅炉研究所有限公司 Shanghai Industrial Boiler Research Institute Co., Ltd. (SIBRI)

承办单位 Co-organizers:

雅式展览服务有限公司 Adsale Exhibition Services Ltd.

雅展展览服务(上海)有限公司 Adsale Exhibition Services (Shanghai) Ltd.

名誉支持单位  Honorary Sponsors


China National  Machinery Industry Corporation Ltd.(Sinomach)


China Electrical Equipment Industry Association (CEEIA)

支持单位   Supporters  


Shanghai Energy Conservation Association    


The Plastic Trade Association of Shanghai


Shanghai Drinks Association


Shanghai Pharmaceutical Profession Association


Shanghai Energy saving Engineering and Technology Association


Shanghai Association of Circular Economy - Central Heating Cogeneration Professional Committee


Shanghai Instrument Industry Association


Shanghai Chemical Industry Association


Shanghai Society for Advanced Materials


Shanghai Electronic Chamber of Commerce (Shanghai Electronics Manufacturers Association)


Cable-Wire Industries Association of Shanghai (CAS)


Changzhou Energy Saving & New Technical Association


Suzhou Food Industries Association


Hangzhou Food Industry Association


Ningbo Hotel Industry Association

